Nlq fonts – Tally Genicom 6600 User Manual
Page 42

NLQ Fonts
Example 1: The command ^#6OCR-A characters^- prints:
Example 2: The commands ^M0202000GRAPHICS PASS^-^*^#2^-
NLQ Fonts
The NLQ fonts use 0.10 inch high Gothic characters whenever high quality
print or high density is desired. NLQ fonts are limited to Horizontal Orientation
only, and the NLQ Font command must be contained within a Graphics Pass.
If the NLQ Font command is outside of a Graphics pass, it is interpreted as a
Horizontal Repeat command (see Repeating Text later in this manual). The
NLQ font is in effect only until the next command is received.
Any horizontal tabs and justification functions (see “Positioning and
Repeating” on page 83) used with NLQ characters should be used prior to the
^Sn command. If a Tab or Justification Command is encountered within the
NLQ characters, the selected NLQ Graphics font is terminated and a Block
Character font is substituted for the remaining printable data.
To select one of the NLQ Graphics fonts, send the following command.
Command ^Sn
The NLQ Font Command.
NLQ Font
1 for 10 CPI
2 for 12 CPI
3 for 13.3 CPI
4 for 15 CPI
5 for 17.1 CPI
6 for OCR-A (10 CPI)
7 for OCR-B (10 CPI)
Example 1: The Graphics Pass ^M0000000^S1A line of text^- (1/10th inch
NLQ characters at 10 CPI) prints: