Tally Genicom 6600 User Manual
Page 67

Barcode Version 2
Example 3: Example 2 may be printed with the human-readable characters
embedded in the barcode by replacing B with an E as shown
below: ^M0505000^IBARC,C39,E,12345^G^- prints:
Sets up horizontal orientation and sets the barcode
height to 0.5 inches.
Turns ON the Barcode Mode.
Selects the first barcode style in Table 3, page 65,
(Code 39).
Embeds human-readable characters at the bottom
of the barcode.
The data to be encoded as a barcode and printed
as human readable characters.
Command Terminator
Example 4: The human-readable character translation printed below or
embedded in a barcode may be printed in any of the fonts
available with the IFONT command. The command sequence
^M0505000^IFONT,S,1^G^IBARC,C128,B,Rusty Old Car^G^-
Sets up horizontal orientation and sets the barcode
height to 0.5 inches.
^IFONT,S,1^GSets font to be Draft at 10 CPI.
Turns ON the Barcode Mode.
Selects Code 128 (see Table 3, page 65).
Print human-readable characters below the
Rusty Old Car
The data to be encoded as a barcode with human-
readable characters.
Command Terminator