Create form command (normal) – Tally Genicom 6600 User Manual
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PGL Commands
Create Form Command (Normal)
This command is used to enter CREATE Form Mode. The command structure
for entering CREATE Mode is:
Table 23. Enter CREATE Mode Command
Option/Modifier Selections
Indicates CREATE Mode.
Enter the current Special Function Control
Character followed by CREATE.
Enter the name of the form in this
Form names are allowed a maximum of
eight characters. The follownig ASCII
characters may be used in form names:
Upper and lower-case A - Z
(HEX 41 - 5A and 61 - 7A)
Number 0 - 9 (HEX 30 - 39)
Dollar sign $ (HEX 24)
Percent Sign % (HEX 25)
Dash - (HEX 2D)
At sign @ (HEX 40)
Braces { } (HEX 7B and 7D)
Parens ( ) (HEX 28 and 29)
Tilde ~ (HEX 7E)
Single quotes ‘ ‘ (Hex 60 and 27)
Exclamation point ! (HEX 21)
Pound sign # (HEX 23)
Amersand & (HEX 26)
Form Length
This parameter sets the Form
Length in three ways:
Automatic form length
Specific form length in dot
Default form length in dot rows
(Also see LFORM 6 and LFORM 8
Enter 0 to set the Form Length to end
automatically after the longest element.
Enter a value from 1 - 65,535 dot rows to
set the Form Length to a specified amount.
To compute the desired number of dot
rows multiply length in inches by 72. To set
form length to the default (792 dot rows)
do not enter a value in this field.