Vertical left orientation (^e) – Tally Genicom 6600 User Manual

Page 24

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Graphics Pass

Vertical Left Orientation (^E)

Prints data down the page and roated 90 degrees counterclockwise so that
the baseline faces the right margin of the paper:


The height of each individual barcode or block character. This
dimension is measured vertically on the page and is specified in
increments of 0.1 inches (0.25 cm). The allowable height for each
barcode/block character ranges from 01 to 99 (0.1 to 9.9 inches
or 0.3 to 25.2 cm). For example, a value of 03 means a height of
0.3 inches (0.76 cm).


The width of each printed barcode/block character. This
dimension is measured horizontally on the page and is specified
in increments of 0.1 inches (0.25cm). The width for each barcode/
block character ranges from 01 to 99 (0.1 to 9.9 inches or 0.3 to
25.2 cm) For example, a value of 10 means a width of 1.0 inches
(2.5 cm).


Data can be positioned down the page from the beginning of the
Pass. This is teemed justification. the jj is the amount of
justification from 00 to 99 increments of 0.1 inches (0.3 to 25.2
cm). The d allows an additional amount of justification down from
0 to 9 dot rows to fine tune the final position of the data. For
example, inserting the value 118 means the data is moved down
1.1 inches (2.8 cm) plus an additional 8 dot rows. A justification
value of 000 sets the current print position to the top of the
current Graphics Pass.

NOTE: Any values not specified will default to 0.

The actual data can be printed. Characters in the data string will
be printed as block characters or in a particular GPL font.
Barcodes, lines, boxes, and formatting commands may also be
placed in the pass. The data contained within the pass is printed
in accordance with the orientation, height, width, and justifcation
values of the Graphics Pass.


Every Graphics Pass is terminated with a Pass Terminator,
indicating the end of the Graphics Pass. When the printer is in
Free Format Mode, the printer will only recognize ^-, ^*, and ^, as
Pass Terminators. When the pritner is not in Free Format Mode,
Carriage Return (CR), Line Feed (LF), and Form Feed (FF) may
be used. Throughout the manual, ^- will typically be used to
indicate a Terminator.