Macrophotography group units – Olympus OM-2 User Manual
Page 84

Incident Illuminator Mirror
Housings PM-EL80, PM-
EL38and PM-EL20
These units are used with
OLYMPUS Macro Lenses in con-
junction with the Epi-lllumina-
tor PM-LSD2 or Macrophoto-
graphic Equipment PMT-35 to
illuminate macrophotographic
objects with incident light. They
are effective when shadowless
pictures are desired.
Spare Bulb 6V 5A TB-1
(for PM-LSD2 & LSD)
Spare Bulb 6V 5A TP-1
(for PMT-35)
Adapter PM-EA
Accepts the photosensitive probe
of the EMM-7 Exposure Meter in
conjunction with the PMT-35 or
Auto Bellows.
Stage Glasses (Clear, frosted &
Stage Plate 45 (metal disc,
Stage Plate 28 (metal disc,
Glass Shade Stage Plate
Supplied with two stage inserts;
compatible with the Lieberkuhn
Reflector. The center port ac-
cepts the stage insert on which
a subject is placed.
Mechanical Stage FM
This stage is used to mount sub-
jects on the 28mm stage plate.
The subject travels vertically and
horizontally by precise adjust-
ments with a vernier.
Round filters are used with the
PM-LSD2 and LSD, while square
filters used with the LSD only.
They are available for color tem-
perature compensation, mono-
chromatic, neutral density, diffu-
sion, heat absorbing and inter-
ference filtration.