Olympus OM-2 User Manual

Page 19

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Exposure Meter Needle

Exposure Meter Index

If the Exposure Needle Does Not Center on the

If an exposure or a shutter speed is improperly

selected, the exposure needle will not center on
the index. Reset the shutter speed or F stop until
the needle is centered.

You may use an ND (neutral density) filter if the

subject is too bright, or an electronic flash or flash
bulb if the subject is too dark.

ASA 100

ASA 100

ASA 100

50mm F1.8 lens,
fully opened

50mm F1.4 lens,

fully opened

55mm F1.2 lens,

fully opened

1/2 sec.

1/2 sec.

1/2 sec.

Light Measuring Range of the Exposure Meter

The measuring range is EV 1.5-EV17 (ASA 100,
with F1.2 55mm lens). The list above summarizes

the lowest measurable limits in dealing with ex-

treme low light conditions.

CAUTION: If the aperture ring or shutter speed

ring is turned below the limits in the list, with ex-

tremely low lighting or the selector lever OFF,

the needle sometimes moves, but the meter is not
