Flashbulb photography – Olympus OM-2 User Manual

Page 37

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Plug the synchronizing cable leading from the

flash unit into the camera flash socket, and
then attach the flash unit to the camera.

Select the proper synchro setting from the
table below according to the type of bulb be-

ing used, and align the red dot on the X and

FP flash selector with the "X" or "FP" in-

dication alongside the flash socket.

CAUTION: With the clip-on type "FP" class flash

unit, the synchronizing cable must be used to

connect the unit and the camera.

Select the proper shutter speed from the table

below, and set the shutter speed ring accord-


Determine the correct F stop for flash exposure

by using the calculator dial, exposure chart or

guide number formula. Set the aperture ring
to this F stop.

The table indicates proper synchronization speeds for most flash equipment.


Not recommended due to bulb quality