Ensemble edit – Roland VP-770 User Manual

Page 88

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At Note Mode


This is a chromatic scale. The pitch detected from the microphone is converted
to notes at semitone intervals.


This is a diatonic scale. The pitch detected from the microphone is converted
to notes at diatonic intervals. You can use the At Note Key parameter to specify
the key of the scale.

At Note Key

C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G,
G#, A, A#, B

Specifi es the key when At Note Mode is set to “DIATONIC” (diatonic scale).

Note Priority

Specifi es the priority with which notes will sound when you hold down more
than one key when playing a monophonic sound.

Monophonic sounds are sounds that always produce only one note even
when you press multiple keys. It is not possible for the user to specify the
mono/poly setting.



If you play multiple keys with a monophonic sound, the last-played key will


If you play multiple keys with a monophonic sound, the highest key will sound.


Here you can make settings for the Ensemble part.






Specifi es the volume of the tone.



Specifi es the pan. “L64” is far left, “0” is center, and “63R” is far right.

Dry Send


Specifi es the volume of the part.

Ambience Send


Specifi es the level of the signal sent to the ambience.

Coarse Tune


Adjusts the pitch up or down in semitone steps (+/-1 octave).

Fine Tune


Adjusts the pitch up or down in 1-cent steps (+/-50 cents).
One cent is 1/100th of a semitone.



Adjusts the pitch of the sound up or down in units of an octave (+/-3



Adjusts the tone.
Increasing the value will strengthen the highs, producing a clearer sound.
Decreasing the value will restrain the highs, producing a milder sound.



Adjusts the attack.
Increasing the value will make the attack more gentle.
Decreasing the value will make the attack sharper.

Setting the attack to a negative value for a BRASS or STRINGS sound will
have no eff ect. The sharpest attack will be when the slider is set to zero.




Adjusts the release.
Increasing the value will lengthen the time from note-off (releasing the key)
until the sound disappears.
Decreasing the value will shorten the time from note-off (releasing the key)
until the sound disappears.

Vibrato Rate


Adjust the vibrato speed (the rate at which the sound is modulated). The
sound will be modulated more rapidly for higher settings, and more slowly
with lower settings.

Vibrato Depth


Adjusts the depth of the vibrato eff ect (the depth at which the sound is
modulated). The sound will be modulated more greatly for higher settings,
and less with lower settings.

Vibrato Delay


Adjusts the time delay until the vibrato (sound modulation) eff ect begins.
Higher settings will produce a longer delay time before vibrato begins,
while lower settings produce a shorter time.

Bend Range


Specifi es the degree of pitch change in semitones when the Pitch Bend
lever is all the way right/left. For example, if this parameter is set to “12,” the
pitch will rise one octave when the pitch bend lever is moved to the right-
most position.

For the SuperNATURAL brass (BRASS) sounds, setting the bend range
(RANGE) to 3 or higher will simulate the discontinuous pitch change
that is typical of brass instruments, instead of the normal smooth pitch
change. When you apply a downward bend, the sound will behave in the
manner distinctive of brass instruments, meaning that the volume will
also decrease.