Connecting a sequencer via midi – Roland VP-770 User Manual

Page 117

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Connecting a Sequencer via MIDI

You can use your MIDI sequencer to record the keyboard performance data from the VP-770, and record

your vocal via the microphone as you listen to the sequencer playback. With the VP-770 connected to your

sequencer, you’ll be able to use it as part of your studio setup.

Make connections as shown above.

Perform on the VP-770 as you listen to the song on your sequencer, and record the

performance data from the VP-770 on a MIDI track of the sequencer.

There are two advantages to recording just your keyboard performance ahead of time.

You’ll be able to concentrate on the keyboard (or microphone)

You’ll be able to use your sequencer to edit (correct) your keyboard performance

For example if you’ve already recorded the backing chorus or melody, all you have left to do is sing!

Play back your sequencer, and vocalize into the microphone that’s connected to the
VP-770. Then record the VP-770’s OUTPUT signal onto an audio track of your se-


An example of more sophisticated studio work

Record the backing chorus part on a MIDI track, and route the audio track containing a previously-
recorded main vocal to the VP-770’s rear panel EXT IN jack (as the microphone input). Now you
can listen through your monitor speakers while trying out various settings on the VP-770, and
continue experimenting with diff erent variations of backing chorus as long as you wish.

The VP-770 system is extremely simple; the audio from the microphone input is played according
to the notes of the MIDI data. This very simplicity allows a virtually infi nite range of uses.





MIDI interface



Audio interface