5bass & chord mode, P. 70 – Roland FR-5b User Manual
Page 70

Editing sounds | 10. SYSTEM parameters
FR-7b/FR-5b V-Accordion
■ Orch Bs Sust—The footswitch can be used to hold the
orchestral notes of the Bass section that are transmitted
via MIDI. This is for MIDI control only.
■ OrchFB Sust—The footswitch can be used to hold the
orchestral notes of the Free Bass section that are transmit-
ted via MIDI. This is for MIDI control only.
■ OrchCh Sust—The footswitch can be used to hold the
orchestral notes of the chord section that are transmitted
via MIDI. This is for MIDI control only.
■ Orch On/Off—The footswitch can be used to switch the
Orchestra Treble section on and off. This has no effect on
the Orchestra’s mode setting, nor can you specify which
orchestral sound should be used. (You can, however, use
“2.13 Orchestra Link” for that.)
■ Start/Stop—This setting only makes sense if you connect
the FBC-7’s MIDI OUT socket to the MIDI IN socket of an
external sequencer, arranger module, drum machine or
DisCover 5M. Pressing the footswitch once will cause the
external device to start playback. Obviously, you need to
load the desired song, select a Music Style, etc., before-
hand. Press the footswitch again to stop playback.
■ Intro—This setting only makes sense if you connect the
FBC-7’s MIDI OUT socket to the MIDI IN socket of an
arranger module. In this case, the footswitch can be used
to select the “Intro” pattern of the active Music Style.
Note: Arranger instruments of other manufacturers may not
understand this message. If in doubt, see their MIDI implemen-
tation section for details. The MIDI message transmitted by this
footswitch is PC83 (program change) on MIDI channel 10.
■ Fill Up—This setting only makes sense if you connect the
FBC-7’s MIDI OUT socket to the MIDI IN socket of an
arranger module. In this case, the footswitch can be used
to select a fill-in pattern of the active Music Style that
selects a more richly orchestrated accompaniment pattern
upon completion.
Depending on the arranger instrument you’re controlling,
you could use this footswitch up to three times to jump to
the most complex level. If you then press the footswitch
again, however, nothing happens. You thus cannot cycle
back to the lowest level (which is called “Original” on older
Roland arranger instruments).
Note: Some arranger instruments provide only two accompa-
niment levels.
Note: Arranger instruments of other manufacturers may not
understand this message. The MIDI message transmitted by
this footswitch is PC81 (program change) on MIDI channel 10.
■ Fill Down—This setting only makes sense if you connect
the FBC-7’s MIDI OUT socket to the MIDI IN socket of an
arranger module. In this case, the footswitch can be used
to select a fill-in pattern of the active Music Style that
selects a more scarcely orchestrated accompaniment pat-
tern upon completion.
Certain arranger instruments provide four accompaniment
levels, so that you could use this footswitch up to three
times to return to the most fundamental level (please see
the manual of the arranger instrument you’re controlling
to find out how many levels it provides). If you then press
the footswitch again, however, nothing happens. You thus
cannot cycle back to the highest level (which is called
“Variation” on older Roland arranger instruments).
Note: Some arranger instruments provide only two accompa-
niment levels.
Note: Arranger instruments of other manufacturers may not
understand this message. The MIDI message transmitted by
this footswitch is PC82 (program change) on MIDI channel 10.
■ Ending—This setting only makes sense if you connect
the FBC-7’s MIDI OUT socket to the MIDI IN socket of an
arranger module. The footswitch can be used to select the
“Ending” pattern of the active Music Style.
Note: Arranger instruments of other manufacturers may not
understand this message. If in doubt, see their MIDI implemen-
tation section for details. The MIDI message transmitted by this
footswitch is PC84 (program change) on MIDI channel 10.
■ Set 1~40—The selected footswitch can be used to recall
the specified Set (i.e. the Set whose number you choose).
Consider using “Set Up/Set Down” if you prefer to cycle
through all available Sets.
■ Register 1~14—The footswitch can be used to recall the
selected Treble register. That is why you must specify a
number here. Consider using “Regist Up/Regist Dwn” if you
prefer to cycle through all available registers.
(Default setting: 2 Bs Rows) This
parameter allows you to specify
the number of button rows for
playing bass notes. The default
is 2 bass rows and 4 chord rows.
By selecting “3 Bs Rows”, you thus gain 20 bass buttons
(an entire row) and lose the “dim” chord buttons – but
that may just be more convenient for you. See also the
illustration on page 71.
There are four “3 Bs Rows” options: “A-7th” and
“B-7th” mean that the 6th chord row plays seventh
chords (“7”) that don’t contain the fifth. In the case of a
C7 chord, you therefore hear C-E-B
b (but not the G).
“A-7th” and “B-7th” differ in the arrangement of the
bass notes (see the illustration on page 71).
The “Bx-7th” option reverses the “B-7th” settings (from
right to left), so that the C3 note shifts from 9th to
12th position.
The “A-5dim” and “B-5dim” options mean that those
seventh chords don’t contain the root note. A C7 chord
is then sounded with the notes E-G-B
b (but not the C).
“A-5dim” and “B-5dim” differ in the arrangement of the
bass notes (see the illustration on page 71).
Note: The FR-7b/FR-5b is supplied with several reference caps
designed to help you locate the bass and chord buttons without
looking at them. See also page 23.