2register, 3reed volume, 4treble octave – Roland FR-5b User Manual
Page 46: 5valve noise, 6musette detune, P. 46

Editing sounds | 2. TREBLE EDIT parameters
FR-7b/FR-5b V-Accordion
The parameters on this page are
used in combination with the
settings above. Here, you decide
which feet should be audible
and how they should be played.
It is therefore on this page that you specify whether the
sounds you selected above will indeed be used.
Here comes another illustration:
In our example, only 16’, 8’+ and 5-1/3’ are used. 8’+ is
slightly softer than then other two reeds, because the
Cassotto function is on. “Cassotto” is similar to the
“Sordina” function discussed on page 22, but it only
muffles the reed/footage in question (making the
sound darker). The SORDINA switch, on the other hand,
applies to all accordion sounds of the Treble section.
• If necessary, press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select
the “FOOT” parameter, then rotate the [DATA÷ENTER]
knob to select the reed you wish to assign another
sound to.
The options are: 16, 8, 8–, 8+, 4, 5-1/3, 2-2/3
• Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select the “STATUS”
parameter, then rotate the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to
specify whether the selected reed should sound and
whether it should be muffled.
The STATUS options are: Off (no sound), On (sounds),
On-Cassotto (muffled sound).
(Off, –40~“Std”~40, Default set-
ting: Std) Here comes the last
parameter that can be set for
each reed/footage individually.
It allows you to create the
desired “mix” (volume balance) for the active reeds (see
the “2.2 Register” page).
This is a relative parameter, which means that its value
is added to or subtracted from the standard value
(“Std”). As a rule, it would be wise to decide which reed
is most important and set its Volume parameter to
“Std”. Then reduce or increase the volume of the “ancil-
lary” reeds to create the desired balance.
• Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select the “FOOT”
parameter, then rotate the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to
select the reed whose volume you want to set.
The options are: ALL (all reeds simultaneously), 16’, 8’,
8’–, 8’+, 4’, 5-1/3’, 2-2/3’
• Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select the “LEVEL”
parameter, then rotate the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to set
the volume.
Note: The overall volume of the Treble section (all registers) can
be changed using the [BALANCE] knob.
(–1, 0, 1, Default setting: 0) This
parameter allows you to trans-
pose the selected register one
octave up (“1”) or down (“–1”).
This can be used for two pur-
poses: to quickly correct the pitch that results from the
active reeds (see above) or to avoid overlaps of the
selected register when using a Treble Orchestra sound.
(The Orchestra section also provides an Octave parame-
Here comes a more elaborate
version of the Noise parameter
discussed on page 33, because it
allows you not only to set the
level of the “typical” valve
noises, but also to specify what kind of instrument
should generate the noise. Though you are free to
experiment with any noise type you like, using the noise
related to the selected instrument (see “Reed Type”) is
usually more realistic.
There is only one TYPE for the entire register (i.e. all 7
reeds). The options are: Bandoneon, I-Folk, I-Folk2, Clas-
sic, Cajun, Jazz, F-Folk, D-Folk, Organetto, F-Folk2,
Classic2, Studio, Tradition, Steierische, OldItaly, TexMex,
Use the LEVEL parameter to specify how prominent the
noise should be (Off, –40~“Std”~40, Default setting:
Note: Whenever you select “ALL” for “2.1 Reed Type” and set a
different reed type, this noise setting is automatically adapted to
the reed type. It would therefore be a good idea to first select the
reed type and only then change the noise type.
This parameter allows you to
choose the system used for
detuning the 8’ reeds. See
page 32 for details. The options
are: Off, Dry, Classic, F-Folk,
American_L, American_H, North_Eur, German_L,
D-Folk_L, Italian_L, German_H, Alpine, Italian_H,
D-Folk_H, French, Scottish.
<16> <8> <8–> <8+> <4> <5-1/3> <2-2/3>