Status returned from the rtu-292, Status returned from the rtu-292 -11, Able – Nortel Networks RTU-292 User Manual
Page 77: Esponse, Ummary
-292 Operations Manual
The following section describes the various responses the user may expect from the RTU-292.
The format of a response string is:
%response ... Exx
There are 3 types of responses:
• Synchronous, the response is given as a result of receiving a specific command.
• Asynchronous, the response is given because of some change in operating status in the
RTU-292 that was not directly due to a command being issued. In this case the RTU-292
simply volunteers this information without being asked for it.
• Multi, the response may be given as a result of a command being issued to the RTU-292 or
because of a change in the RTU-292 operating status.
Each response always begins with a "%" synchronizing character. This is followed by a
response "name" string. There is no space between the sync character and the response name.
The response name identifies the information to follow. In the case of a Synchronous response,
the response name is often the same as the previous command name. Any response data will
follow the response name string. There is at least one space between each data section. Most
data is presented in a specific order. The last data section is always the response error code.
The error code takes the form "Exx" where "xx" is a number. The various error conditions are
reflected in this number. The error response "E0" signifies that there were no errors. Finally
the response string is terminated by a Carriage Return character.
Table 5-2
Response Summary
NULL Response
% Exx
Auto Answer Response
Call Starting Response
%Radio-Telephone Connection Made dd-MON-yy hh:mm:ss Exx
Dial Response
Disconnect Response
DTMF Response
Elapsed Time Response
%Connection dropped, elapsed time: hh:mm:ss Exx
Handset Phone Response
Handset Radio Response
Speaker Radio Response
Speed Dial Response
Tel-Line Phone Response
Tel-Line Radio Response
Time/Date Response
%dd-MON-yy hh:mm:ss
Version Response
%VER Exx
Call Progress responses are listed in section 5.5.
Response error codes are outlined in section 5.6.
JPS Communications, Inc.