Unmounting the camera – Nikon View DX User Manual

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Setting up the Camera as a Drive: Camera Drive Settings

Creating thumnail images

If the Create Thumbnails box is checked, thumbnail pre-

views of the images in the camera will be created when the

camera is first connected as a drive. When you open the Image

Folder in the Nikon D1 camera drive, image files will be dis-

played as thumbnail icons. These thumbnails will also be dis-

played in Nikon View Browser, and in the Open dialog box when

viewing files on the Nikon D1 camera drive.

Choosing the application used to open camera files

You can choose the application used to open the image files

stored in the camera’s memory. The default is Nikon View

Browser (built-in viewer).

To use a different application, click the Change… button. In

the dialog that appears, navigate to a folder containing an appli-

cation that supports the file formats used by the camera. Select

the application and click Open.

Mounting compact flash-memory cards

When the Mount Camera PC-Cards using Nikon View

check box is selected, compact flash-memory cards inserted in a

computer card drive or card-reader will be mounted as the

Nikon D1 or Nikon CoolPix camera drive (only cards from

Nikon digital cameras can be used). Mounted cards can be used

in the same fashion as when the camera is mounted as a drive.

Application used to open image files

Unmounting the Camera

When you turn off your Macintosh, the camera will be un-

mounted automatically. To unmount the camera without

turning off the computer, use one of the methods given below.

Drag the Nikon D1 icon into the Trash

The camera can be unmounted by dragging the Nikon D1

icon into the Trash.

Camera drive folders will close and the Nikon D1 icon will

disappear from the desktop.

Short-cut: Click the Nikon DI icon, then select Put Away

from the File menu.