Summary, Summar y – Netopia R910 User Manual
Page 194

C-194 User’s Reference Guide
Expor ted ser vices are configured under IP Setup in System Configuration. This is where a par ticular type of TCP
or UDP ser vice originating from the Internet is redirected to a host on the Netopia R910’s LAN inter face. An
example of this screen follows:
Within expor ted ser vices is a pop-up list of well-known TCP and UDP ser vices that can be redirected to a single
host on the Netopia R910’s LAN inter face. There is also an “Other...” option that allows for manual
configuration of additional TCP or UDP por ts. There can be a total of 32 expor ted ser vices that can be defined.
When a par ticular type of ser vice is redirected to an IP address, that ser vice is removed from the pop-up list,
since only one type of ser vice can be redirected to a single host. However several different types of ser vices
can be redirected to a single or multiple hosts. For example, por t 80 (WWW ser ver) could be redirected to on the Netopia R910’s LAN inter face, and por t 23 (Telnet) can be redirected to that same host.
NAT is a power ful feature of the Netopia R910 and when used and set up properly can yield a secure network
while only using one IP address on the WAN inter face. Note that the addresses listed in this appendix are for
demonstration purposes only. Do not use these addresses when configuring your local network.
Add Exported Service
Service... | ftp 21 |
| telnet 23 |
| smtp 25 |
Local Server's IP Address: | tftp 69 |
| gopher 70 |
| finger 79 |
| www-http 80 |
| pop2 109 |
| pop3 110 |
| snmp 161 |
| timbuktu 407 |
| pptp 1723 |
| irc 6667 |
| Other... |