Nortel Networks LIP-6830 User Manual
Page 95

LIP-6812 & LIP-6830
Installer Guide
Rev 01.04
June 07
Upgrade Configuration
TFTP/HTTPS – The type of upgrade file-transport method.
TFTP Server Address – IP address or FQDN of TFTP server for location of
upgrade files. When the checkbox “Received by DHCP on boot” is checked, the
LIP-6812/LIP-6830 will only use the IP address of TFTP server retrieved from the
DHCP server.
HTTPS URL – URL of HTTP/HTTPS server for location of upgrade files. When
the checkbox “Received by DHCP on boot” is checked, the LIP-6812/LIP-6830
uses the DHCP Option defined to retrieve the URL. If present, the provisioning
type is changed to HTTPS using the URL from the DHCP Option, default 160.
HTTPS Port – Port of HTTP/HTTPS server. Commonly used number is 443.
ID – User Name for HTTP/HTTPS authentication.
Password – Password for HTTP/HTTPS authentication
MAC Cfg. Format – The format of the MAC specific configuration filename;
“$MAC” is replaced with the MAC address of the LIP Phone. Note this field must
contain $MAC as part of the file name or path.
Verifying Cert. – Defines parameters for verifying the HTTPS SSL Server
Certification is valid. When “Verified Cert.” is checked, the phone checks the
certification authority. When “Server name verification” is checked, the phone
checks whether the server name is valid; when “Expiration” is checked, the phone
checks whether the certification is expired.
Root CA, when the CA is verified the phone will use internal CAs including
Verisign. When the CA is not available in the Phone memory, the CA can be
pasted to the web page.
File to Upgrade – Files (S/W and Configuration) to check for download.
Decryption Key – 32-Byte hexadecimal key used for 3DES decryption of
Configuration files.
Smart Upgrade – Smart Upgrade periodically checks for new software on the
provisioning server. Two methods of Smart Upgrade are available; one checks
the server at the interval in hours, the second checks daily at the time specified in
a 24-hour clock format. Check the “Use Smart Upgrade” box, select the method
with the radial button and enter the interval or time as appropriate.
When a new version is found, the LIP Phone can download the firmware
automatically or will display the availability of a new version and await User
confirmation to download. To await User confirmation, check the “when new
found, confirm downloading” box. After download, the LIP Phone will reboot.
To modify the Upgrade configuration:
1) Select the parameter and enter the new value or select the check box.
2) When finished, select the button.
If the checkbox “Received by DHCP on boot” is checked, then any address entered into
the TFTP Server Address will be ignored and only the TFTP server address retrieved