Panasonic 15000 User Manual
Page 7

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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel
Nortel Confidential
available cell rate (ACR) (page 16)
active alarm list
A list of active alarms, residing on each running card, that have been raised
but not yet cleared.
actual shaping rate (ASR)
The shaping rate that is applied to a given ATM virtual channel connection
(VCC) or virtual path connection (VPC). This value is based on the traffic
descriptor type parameters and the quality of service specified for the
connection, and is determined through traffic shaping.
adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM)
A widely used voice compression technique standardized by the ITU-T.
address plan
Specifies the format of the addresses that identify the network elements to
which Nortel Multiservice Switch nodes can route packets. The address plan
is known by every node capable of receiving such packets. The plan can be
either internal or external to Multiservice Switch. Multiservice Switch uses the
external DPN-100 address plan that combines ITU-T specifications X.121 and
E.164 with DPN-100 RID/MID addressing.
address prefix
A string of bits that forms the lead portion of one or more ATM addresses. The
length of the prefix is a maximum of 152 bits.
address resolution protocol (ARP)
A mechanism for mapping an IP network layer address to a data link layer
address scope
In ATM PNNI networking, a configured value for each node that participates in
the network. Address scope is assigned to the node address and defines the
highest level up to which the node advertises this address in the PNNI
address space manager (ASM)
A component in a LEN node that assigns and frees session addresses.
address summarization
In ATM PNNI networking, reduces the amount of addressing information that
needs to be distributed throughout the network. Address summarization
makes scaling in large networks possible. See