Panasonic 15000 User Manual
Page 116

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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel
Nortel Confidential
routing class of service (RCOS)
A set of parameters that describes how a frame is treated while it is being
routed. Examples of these parameters are: priority, reliability, delay, and
routing computation
The process of applying a mathematical algorithm to a topology database to
compute routes. Many types of routing computations can be used. The
Dijkstra algorithm is one particular example of a possible routing computation.
routing control channel
PNNI routing control channel (page 102)
routing identifier (RID)
RIDs identify individual Nortel Multiservice Switch RID subnets or DPN-100
resource modules.
routing information protocol (RIP)
This is a routing protocol for finding IP routes between subnets on an internet.
It is intended for use within autonomous systems of limited size.
routing protocol
A protocol used to exchange routing information between peer routing control
processors. The routing information is used to set up routing tables for a
particular address scheme in a network. These tables are used by a packet
forwarding function to forward packets from a network protocol.
routing protocol interface (RPI)
A process that implements a routing protocol. An RPI is part of an external
address plan maintenance system and is used to exchange routing
information with an external network.
routing scope
The routing scope is the highest level in the private network-to-network
interface (PNNI) hierarchy that a path is allowed to reach.
routing protocol interface (RPI) (page 116)
route selector (RS) (page 115)
Remote Server Agent (page 112)