Panasonic 15000 User Manual
Page 149

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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel
Nortel Confidential
wild-carded binary-coded decimal (BCD)
The binary-coded decimal data type with the addition of the ? character to
represent any possible value.
wildcard pattern
A wildcard pattern consists of a character string, with one or more wildcard (*)
characters, where * matches zero or more characters.
Using the asterisk (*) wildcard character or a wildcard pattern to match more
than one component. Type wildcarding replaces the component type with an
asterisk to give all subcomponents of a component. Instance wildcarding
replaces the instance value with an asterisk or wildcard pattern to return
selected instances of a component type.
Wildcarding is available on the display, list, and find commands.
weight limited FIFO algorithm (WLFA) (page 148)
weighted random early detection (WRED) (page 148)
The ITU-T and ISO-recommended multipoint connection-oriented service that
uses either permanent virtual circuits (PVC) or switched virtual circuits (SVC)
over a physical link. It uses HDLC framing to separate frames.
X.25 gateway
An X.25 access service, consisting of one or more links, connected to another
X.75 gateway
An X.75 access service, consisting of one or more links, connected to another
The ITU-T recommended numbering plan that includes the numbering plan for
public switched data networks.
XID is an Unnumbered Exchange Identification command/response frame
used to convey the types of LLC services supported by peer link stations
during connection establishment phase.