Panasonic 15000 User Manual
Page 62

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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel
Nortel Confidential
hop count
The number of hops it takes for a packet to make it from a source to a
destination, that is the number of nodes (routers) between a source and a
destination. Each switch or router traversed by a packed is considered a hop.
horizontal link
A link between two logical nodes that belong to the same peer group.
host computer
The central controlling computer in a network of computers. It allows lower-
level terminals to work through it to obtain access to other computers and their
stores of information.
hot equipment protection (HEP)
A carrier grade feature that provides a customer with the capability of setting
up a sparing configuration that allows for hitless switch-over capabilities.
hot standby
Hot standby applications and features offer hitless services during an FP or
CP switchover. During an equipment switchover, hot standby applications
incur minimal traffic interruption and established connections stay up.
hot swapping
Hot swapping of a data path refers to a service switchover while the node is in
holding priority (HP) (page 61)
hitless software migration (HSM) (page 61)
high-speed serial interface (HSSI) (page 61)
HDLC-transparent data service (HTDS) (page 60)
hunt group (HG)
Hunt groups are a group of network addresses (DNAs) reachable from a
unique DNA and configured so that an incoming call automatically searches
for an available address in the group.