Create errors – Printronix LQH-HWTM User Manual
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IGP/PGL Emulation Error Codes
Insufficient memory for another LOGO call
IGP memory cannot store another logo call. To create space in
the IGP memory, delete forms with logo elements (including the
logos) no longer required.
LOGO call starting row SR out of bounds
During form creation, the parameter specifying the row position of
a logo places the logo outside the form boundaries. The buffer is
flushed until a line terminator is found, and then processing
continues normally.
LOGO call starting column SC out of bounds
During form creation, the parameter specifying the column
position of a logo places the logo outside the form boundaries.
When this occurs, the buffer is flushed until a line terminator is
found, and then processing continues normally.
Color or GRAY scale not supported with LOGOS
Color or gray information was received from the TIFF data, but it
is not supported with the LOGO command.
Create Errors
Directory full - cannot CREATE the form or LOGO
The directory is full, or no more room exists in the IGP memory
for another form. When this occurs, the IGP automatically reverts
to the Normal mode. To create space in the IGP memory, delete
forms that are no longer required.
CREATE function unrecognized
An unrecognizable command is entered during the Create Form
mode. At this point, the buffer is flushed until a Stop command is
found, and then processing continues.
CREATE horizontal duplication parameter HDUP error
Either a format error was detected or a parameter was exceeded.
The duplication number must be no greater than 255, and the
offset must be no greater than 792 (dot scale). If this error occurs,
the Horizontal Duplication command is ignored, and forms
processing continues.
CREATE vertical duplication parameter VDUP error
Either a format error was detected, or a parameter was
exceeded. The duplication number must be no greater than 255
and the offset must be no greater than the specified length of the
form. If this error occurs, the Vertical Duplication command is
ignored, and forms processing continues.
CREATE scale factor parameter SCALE invalid
Either a format error was detected, or a parameter was specified
incorrectly. The vertical lines per inch can be specified as follows;
6, 8, 9, or 10. The horizontal characters per inch can be specified
only as 10, 12, 13, 15, 17 or 20 cpi. If this error occurs, the Scale
command is ignored and forms processing continues.