Polycom Mitel Networks 3300 User Manual
Page 45
SpectraLink Corporation
Configuration and Administration—NetLink e340/i640 Wireless Telephone
Mitel Networks 3300 and SX-200 ICP and 5220 IP Phone emulation
PN: 72-1084-02-G.doc
Page 45
• mnem: A mnemonic that indicates why the handset didn’t hand off to this other
Unkn: Reason unknown
Weak: Signal Strength too weak
Rate: One or more basic rates not supported
Full: AP can not handle bandwidth requirements
AthT: Authentication Timeout
AscT: Association Timeout
AthF: Authentication Failure
AscF: Association Failure
SecT: Security Handshake Timeout
SecF: Security Handshake Failure
Cnfg: AP not configured correctly for security, QoS mode or infrastructure
Screen 4
• Association count since power up (AssocCount)
• Re-association count since power up (ReAssocCount)
• Association failures since power up (AssocFailure)
• Re-association failures since power up (ReAssocFail)
A s s o c C o u n t
n n n n n
R e A s s o c C o u n t
n n n n n
A s s o c F a i l u r e
n n n n n
R e A s s o c F a i l
n n n n n
Screen 5
• Security error count since power up (Sec-ErrCount)
• MAC sequence number of frame with last security error (LstSecErrSeq)
S e c - E r r C o u n t
n n n n n
L s t S e c E r r S e q
n n n n n