Palm Tungsten T Handhelds User Manual
Page 290

Trusted devices, adding trusted
devices 207–208
Trusted pairs, creating 215
Turning off handheld
automatically 192
pen stroke for 235
problems with 249
Turning on handheld
displaying owner’s name 237
power button 12
problems with 249
Undoing actions 52
Uninstalling Desktop software 71
Universal connector 14, 212
Unresponsive handheld 250
Untimed events 90, 92, 93, 95
cradle/cable 158, 159, 168, 170, 212
port 4, 5, 168, 170, 212
troubleshooting 252, 253, 254, 261
User cache, enabling/disabling 210
User name
for ISP 219
identifying handheld 236
HotSync operation with 184–185
vCal 38, 39
vCard 38, 39
Vendor for Expense item 108
Vibrate alarm 202
Voice Memo
alarms 144–146
creating voice memos 140–143
listening to voice memos 143–144
menus 146
opening 139
overview 139
reviewing voice memos 143
Week (Date Book view) 98–99, 191, 251
Wireless LAN access point locations 224
World Clock
adding locations 153–154
alarm 155
alarm preferences 156
display options 156
menus 156
opening 149, 150
Time Zone 153
Writing area 11
Writing. See Entering data