Palm Tungsten T Handhelds User Manual
Page 286

computer 37
onscreen 17, 21, 235
portable 40
font style 64
Graffiti 22, 24
onscreen keyboard 21
Link. See Connection
List, in Applications Launcher 45
adding 153–154
deleting 155
displaying secondary 156
modifying 154
setting primary 150, 152, 189
setting secondary 153
Locking the handheld with a password 195–
197, 235, 237
Login scripts 229–231
Looking up Address Book data
to add to other records 60–61
scrolling in Address list 58
handheld, contact for 75
records 251
Lotus Organizer, importing data from 38
Maintenance information 241
Memo Pad
archive files (.mpa) 38
categorizing records 54
conduit for synchronizing 160
creating records 50
deleting records 52, 96
dragging memos into other
fonts 64
menus 83, 115
opening 113
overview 113
private records 200
reviewing memos 114
sorting records 62, 251
amount of free 263
for beaming 259
Calculator 82
regaining 53, 249
Memos. See Memo Pad
Menus 48–50, 250
Address Book 79
choosing 49
command equivalents (Graffiti
command toolbar 49
Date Book 101, 156
Edit menu 51–52
Expense 112
Memo Pad 83, 115, 121
menu bar 17, 48
Network preferences 232
To Do List 138
Voice Memo 146
Microsoft Outlook, connecting to 253
HotSync operations via 171–175, 255–
Monday, to start week 191
Month (Date Book view) 99, 102
Moving the cursor (Graffiti writing) 29
MPA (Memo Pad archive file) 38
MultiMediaCard 9
See also Expansion Card
Navigator 11, 19
connecting 223
entering ISP information 224
HotSync operation 178–181
idle timeout 227
login scripts 229–231
password 219
phone settings 220
preferences 217–233
primary DNS 228
secondary DNS 228