Palm Tungsten T Handhelds User Manual
Page 289

Secondary DNS 228
Secure Digital card 9
See also Expansion Card
changing password 194
deleting password 194
displaying owner’s name 237
forgotten password 198
private records 198–200
setting a password hint 194
unmasking individual records 200
date for event 91
phone numbers in Address Book 75
text 51, 52
Sending data 33–37
cradle/cable 159, 168, 170, 212
port 4, 5, 158, 168, 170, 171, 172, 212
troubleshooting 252, 253, 254, 255, 256,
selecting for network 218
templates 218, 231
Settings. See Preferences
backing up 160
managing 237–239
menu commands 49
predefined 30
using 29
Soft reset 243
applications 44
records 62–63, 251
Sounds & Alerts preferences 200–202
Sounds. See Alarm and System sounds
Starting applications 42
dragging with 17
pen stroke to activate a feature 235
tapping with 16
Sunday, to start week 191
for currency 108
in Graffiti writing 28
Tab delimited files, importing data from 38
Tapping 16
TCP/IP 217, 232
TDA (To Do List archive file) 38
Technical Support 247, 263
copying 52
cutting 52
entry. See Entering data
files, importing data from 38, 39
fonts for 64
selecting all 52
alarm setting 94
format 191
setting current 151, 190
setting event 90
start and end for Date Book Day
Time Zone 153
Tips, online 18
To Do List
archive files (.tda) 38
categorizing records 54, 138
checking off items 135
completed items 137
completion date 137
conduit for synchronizing 160
creating records 50
deleting records 52, 96
due date 136–137
fonts 64
menus 138
notes for records 63–64
opening 133
overview 133
prioritizing records 134, 138
private records 200
purging records 53–54, 137
sorting records 62
Today. See Current date
Transmitting data. See Beaming information
Transmitting data. See Sending data
Troubleshooting 257