Lexmark 4I3 User Manual
Page 266

3. Locate the gears on the forms device and turn them while
checking for noticeable binds.
For the F1 and F2 forms devices, check that the tractor pins
move when you turn the gear.
For the F2, F3, and F4 forms devices, be sure that the feed
rolls also move when you turn the gear.
If manually turning the gears or rollers does not fix the problem,
go to the next step.
4. If you see damage to the device, if the gears or rollers continue
to bind, or if the device still does not operate properly, call for
Dual Purpose Forms Device (F2) (All Models)
G e a rs
Tra c to r P in s
R ig h t R o lle r
A s s e m b ly
L e ft R o lle r
A s s e m b ly
F e e d R o lls
Tra c to r P in s
G e a r
Continuous Forms Device (F1)
B-1. F1 and F2 Forms Devices
User’s Guide