Sony SRP-X700P User Manual
Page 43
It is to control audio level. Signal peaks are kept from exceeding a pre-specified threshold
level. It is, for example, used to prevent distortion of signal in amplifier, etc.
Line Level
It is an electrical audio signal with referenced level of from –10dBu (dBm) to +4dBu
(dBm) in general.
(In some product, reference level of –20dBu is applied.)
The line level is much higher voltage than microphone level. In long distance
interconnection, it is more suitable than microphone level since picked up noises in
interconnection are smaller or less often.
Low Cut Filter (LCF)
It allows certain frequencies higher than a pre-specified frequency to pass with full level.
Another frequencies below the frequencies are attenuated. A frequency at which a signal is
attenuated by 3dB is called the ‘turnover’ or ‘cut-off’ frequency. The filter has a slope
which is a ratio of attenuation level per octave.
High Pass Filter denotes the same function or circuit as LCF.
It is, for example, used to reduce or reduce low frequency noises such as handling noises or
wind noises picked up by microphone, or to route certain frequencies to high or mid
speaker units in speaker system, etc.
Maximum Level
This is used to express or define the maximum value for voltage, power or sound pressure
level, etc, that system, device or listener can receive, gain or output.
For example, in regard to input (or output) of certain device such as a mixer or processor, it
usually indicates the maximum input (or output) level of an electrical signal which the
device can handle without distortion.
Microphone Level
It is an electrical audio signal level which microphone outputs. It is lower than the line
It is a function or circuit to silence.
For example, in mixer, it silences audio signal of specified inp ut or output channel.
Parallel remote control
It contains multiple pins to control functions parallel.
In SRP-X700P, each pin of parallel control port can be assigned to control (or to be
controlled) single function of external devices (or of X700P’s). Through the control port,
several functions of the X700P can be controlled such as volume up/down, SCENE
RECALL from external buttons, and the X700P can control external devices such as
lighting equipment, screen or LED of the external buttons.
Type of parallel input in the X700P is ‘Make Contact’. The output turns ‘On’ when active
with an open corrector circuit.
In the parallel remote, it means an operation of switch keeping holding.
For example, once a button of switch is pressed, the switch becomes to be turned
ON and holds the ON after the button is released.