Simrad AP25 User Manual

Page 40

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Simrad AP25 Autopilot



The prompt display shows the name
or number of the next waypoint
(WP), the bearing of the track line
(BWW) from the previous waypoint
to the destination waypoint, the
required course change (CHG) and
the direction in which the boat will

Note !

If only one waypoint has been entered the bearing will be from
the present position to the destination waypoint.
The lower left portion shows the compass heading and the lower
right portion shows the rudder angle and speed.
Press the NAV button again to accept the waypoint as the
location to steer towards. The autopilot turns the boat onto the
track line.

NAV mode
− Course to steer (CTS): 211 is set

internally by the autopilot to steer
the boat onto the track line.

− Cross track error (XTE): 0.017

nm to stbd.

− NAV data source: CE34-1
− Compass heading: 345° M.
− Next waypoint: Egersund
− Bearing from current position to

the next waypoint (BPW) :

− Distance to waypoint: 10 nm

Note !

For Cross Track Error, the number of decimals shown depends
on the output from the GPS/chart plotter. Three decimals give a
more accurate track keeping.
When operating the AP25 in NAV mode to steer through a route
of waypoints, the AP25 will steer to the first waypoint in the
route after you accept the first waypoint as the location to steer
towards. When you arrive at the waypoint, the AP25 will output
an audible warning, display an alert screen with the new course
information, and automatically change course onto the new leg.