Providing user training – Simrad AP25 User Manual
Page 135

Configuration and setup
• If the hardware for automatic HI/LO selection is connected
and configured, verify that the HI/LO transition is occurring,
and the HI/LO parameters are changing after the transition
speed is crossed (by more than 1 Knot higher or lower speed).
• Try the effect of LO and HI parameter settings.
• Try the Dodge and U-turn function.
• If a Non-Follow Up lever (or handheld remote) is connected,
test change of modes and verify port and starboard steering
commands of the lever.
• Set waypoints into each navigator connected to the system,
and verify that the AP25 steers in NAV mode for each NAV
• Try the NoDrift mode.
• If the boat is a sailboat use the WIND mode and try the AP25
at different settings of the apparent wind angle. Also try the
WINDN(av) mode, optimized VMG and WCV when sailing
(tacking) to a waypoint.
• If the rudder response feels aggressive during the sea trial,
you may want to reduce the rudder speed to get a smoother
Alternatively on a sailboat you may want to have a higher
rudder speed when running. The motor Drive out (page 104)
can be set with this in mind. Never adjust in more than 10%
steps with respect to the reading set during the automatic
rudder test (page 103). Always perform a new Autotune after
the adjustment.
• Provide the owner with user training.
Providing user training
The user should be instructed in the "basic" operational
functions, such as:
• Turning the system on and off
• Changing modes. Explain briefly what takes place in the
different modes.
• Regaining manual control from any mode. Point out in what
modes the helm is engaged by the autopilot (bypass/clutch).
• Taking command at an "inactive" station, if applicable.