Usb confi guration – SUPER MICRO Computer H8QI6-F User Manual
Page 71

Chapter 4: BIOS
Redirection After BIOS POST
Options are Disable (no redirection after BIOS POST), Boot Loader (redirection
during POST and during boot loader) and Always (redirection always active).
Note that some OS's may not work with this set to Always.
Terminal Type
Selects the type of the target terminal. Options are ANSI, VT100 and
VT-UTF8 Combo Key Support
Allows you to Enable or Disable VT-UTF8 combination key support for ANSI/
VT100 terminals.
Sredir Memory Display Delay
Use this setting to set the delay in seconds to display memory information. Op-
tions are No Delay, 1 sec, 2 secs and 4 secs.
USB Confi guration
This submenu displays the Module Version and lists the USB devices that are
enabled as well as the following options.
Legacy USB Support
Select "Enabled" to enable the support for USB Legacy. Disable Legacy sup-
port if there are no USB devices installed in the system. "Auto" disabled Legacy
support if no USB devices are connected. The options are Disabled, Enabled
and Auto.
USB 2.0 Controller Mode
Use this setting to confi gure the USB 2.0 Controller in either Hi-Speed (480 Mps)
or Full Speed (12 Mps) mode.
This is a workaround for OS's without EHCI hand-off support. The EHCI own-
ership change should be claimed by the EHCI driver. Options are Enabled or
USB Mass Storage Device Confi guration
This submenu is used to confi gure USB mass storage class devices.