K\jkile – Woodstock SHOPFOX W1813 User Manual
Page 18

Once the assembly is complete, test run your machine to
make sure it runs properly and is ready for regular opera-
The test run consists of verifying the following: 1) The
motors power up and run correctly, 2) the emergency stop
button safety feature works correctly, 3) the conveyor ON/
OFF switch disabling key works correctly, and 4) the air
pressure safety switch operates properly.
If, during the test run, you cannot easily locate the source
of an unusual noise or vibration, stop using the machine
immediately, then review
KiflYc\j_ffk`e^ on GX^\+,.
If you still cannot remedy a problem, contact our Tech
Support at (360) 734-3482 for assistance.
=`^li\(+% Resetting the switch.
(% Make sure you understand the safety
instructions at the beginning of the manual,
and verify that the machine is set up prop-
)% Ensure all tools and objects used during
setup are cleared away from the machine.
*% Connect the compressed air source to the
machine (refer to
:fdgi\jj\[8`ion GX^\
(, for detailed instructions).
+% Confirm the sanding belt is installed,
properly tensioned (refer to
I\gcXZ\d\ek on GX^\)' for detailed
instructions), and the sanding belt door is
closed and secured.
,% Connect the machine to the power source—
the power light on the control panel should
-% Push the emergency stop button in, then
twist it clockwise so it pops out. When
the emergency stop button pops out, the
switch is reset and ready for operation (see
.% Push the sanding motor ON button to verify
the machine starts and operates correctly.
When operating correctly, the machine
runs smoothly with little or no vibration
or rubbing noises.
— Investigate and correct strange or unusu-
al noises or vibrations before operating
the machine further. Always stop the
machine and disconnect it from power
before investigating or correcting poten-
tial problems.
/% Press the emergency stop button to turn
the machine
0% WITHOUT resetting the switch, press the
sanding motor ON button. The machine
should not start.
— If the machine does not start, the emer-
gency stop button safety feature is work-
ing correctly.
— If the machine does start (with the emer-
gency stop button pushed in), immedi-
ately disconnect power to the machine.
The emergency stop button safety fea-
ture is not working correctly. This safety
feature must work properly before pro-
ceeding with regular operations. Call
Tech Support for help.