Intel SBC-370 User Manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Ta ble of Con tents
- 1. Fea tures 6
- Fea ture LIST 6
- CPU 6
- AGP VGA Con trol ler 7
- Ether net Con trol ler 7
- Ul tra DMA /33 En hanced PCI EDI In ter face 7
- Multi-I/O Chip 7
- Floppy Disk Drive In ter face 7
- Two High Speed Se ries Ports 7
- Par al lel Port 7
- Hard ware Mon i toring Sys tem 8
- IrDA Port 8
- USB Port 8
- E2KeyŽ 8
- Watch dog Timer 8
- Flash Disk - DiskOnChip Ž 8
- ATX Power Sup ply Func tion 8
- Power Con sump tion 8
- Op er ating Hu mid ity 9
- Watch dog Timer 9
- Con necting to an ATX Power Sup ply 10
- 2. Board Con fig u ra tion 12
- Board Lay out 12
- Jumpers 13
- Con nec tors 16
- Floppy Disk Drive Con nec tor (CN2) 16
- PCI E-IDE Disk Drive Con nec tor (CN1/CN3) 17
- Par al lel Port (CN4) 18
- Se rial Ports (CN12/CN11) 19
- Key board/Mouse Con nec tor (CN8/CN17/CN18) 20
- Ex ter nal Switches and In di ca tors (CN7) 21
- USB Port Con nec tor (CN9) 21
- IrDA In fra red In ter face Port (CN6) 22
- VGA Con nec tor (J1) 22
- LAN RJ45 Con nec tor (CN10) 23
- LED Con nec tor for LAN (CN5) 23
- Fan Con nec tor (CN13/CN14/CN15) 23
- Sys tem In ter rupts ( IRQs ) 24
- DMA Chan nel As sign ments 24
- 1st MB Mem ory Ad dress Map 25
- I/O Map 25
- 3. AMI BIOS Setup Menus 26
- Getting Started 26
- Stan dard CMOS Setup 27
- Ad vanced CMOS Setup 28
- Ad vanced Chipset Setup 30
- Power Man age ment Setup 32
- Pe riph eral Setup 34
- Hard ware Mon i tor Setup 36
- Change Su per vi sor/User Pass word 37
- Auto-De tect Hard Disk 37
- Auto Con fig u ra tion with Op ti mal Set tings 38
- Auto Con fig u ra tion with Fail Safe Set tings 39
- Save Set tings and Exit 39
- Exit With out Saving 39
- 1. Fea tures 6
- In dex
- A
- B
- BIOS main setup menu 26
- ad vanced chipset setup 30
- ad vanced CMOS setup 28
- auto con fig u ra tion with fail safe set tings 39
- auto con fig u ra tion with op ti mal set tings 38
- auto-de tect hard disk 37
- change su per vi sor pass word 37
- change user pass word 37
- exit with out sav ing 39
- hard ware mon i tor setup 36
- PCI/plug and play setup 33
- pe riph eral setup 34
- power man age ment setup 32
- save set tings and exit 39
- stan dard CMOS setup 27
- board lay out 12
- boot de vice, 1st, 2nd, 3rd 28
- boot to OS/2 29
- bootup num-lock 29
- BIOS main setup menu 26
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- O
- P
- par al lel port 18
- par al lel port DMA chan nel 35
- par al lel port IRQ 35
- par al lel port mode 35
- par al lel port, onboard 35
- pass word
- pass word check 29
- PCI E-IDE disk drive con nec tor 17
- PCI frame buffer USWC 31
- PCI IDE busmaster 33
- PCI la tency timer (PCI clocks) 33
- PCI slot (1,2,3,4) IRQ pri or ity 34
- PCI VGA pal ette snoop 33
- PCI/plug and play setup 33
- pe riph eral setup 34
- PIIX4 de layed trans ac tion 31
- PIIX4 pas sive re lease 31
- plug and play aware O/S 33
- power man age ment setup 32
- power man age ment/APM 32
- pri mary dis play 29
- PS/2 mouse sup port 29
- Q
- R
- S
- S.M.A.R.T. for hard disks 29
- save set tings and exit 39
- SDRAM CAS# la tency 30
- SDRAM RAS# precharge 30
- SDRAM RAS# to CAS de lay 30
- SDRAM tim ing by SPD 30
- search for MDA re sources 31
- se rial port A (/B), onboard 34
- se rial port B mode 35
- se rial ports 19
- stan dard CMOS setup 27
- standby time out (min ute) 32
- sus pend time out (min ute) 32
- sys tem BIOS cacheable 29
- sys tem in ter rupts 24
- sys tem key board 29
- T
- U
- V
- W