Introduction 1, 1 controllerless modem driver overview, Introduction – Intel 537EX User Manual

Page 7: Controllerless modem driver overview 1.1.1

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536EX Chipset Developer’s Manual


Intel Confidential



This developer’s manual describes the software interface for Intel® 536EX (controllerless and
controller) chipset solutions. The controllerless-based solutions include the 536EP for PCI and
Mini-PCI. Refer to the chipset datasheets for the detailed chipset descriptions (public order
numbers 273503-001, 273xxx-001, 273xxx-001, 273xxx-001, and 273xxx-001).

The controllerless-based chipset, as the name implies, does not have a dedicated hardware
controller. The controller functions are executed by the CPU. This developer’s manual includes the
AT command sets for data, fax, and voice and the UART interface and emulation. Like the earlier
solutions from Intel, the 536EX chipsets support a variety of applications without the need of
additional firmware development. Note, the supported AT commands are firmware or driver
version dependent.


Controllerless Modem Driver Overview


Windows* Millennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows
2000, Windows XP, and Windows NT* 4

The controllerless modem chipsets are integrated into the Microsoft* Windows* Me, Windows
2000, Windows XP, and Windows NT* 4 operating systems via proprietary Intel® Windows
Driver Model (WDM) modem drivers. These drivers are fully plug and play capable and conform
to all Microsoft WHQL certification requirements.

The functional block diagram in

Figure 1

shows the common WDM architecture for the

Microsoft’s operating systems supporting common WDM drivers model.

User-mode application, via special Windows API (FILE, TAPI, UNIMODEM), can access a virtual
COM port provided by the Intel WDM driver. The data flow is converted inside the driver in
accordance with some compression and a channel level protocol and passed to the DSP. The
control flow follows the common Microsoft WDM driver model. The Intel WDM driver is
installed as a stack of filter drivers below the system modem.sys driver.