IBM F50 RS/6000 7025 User Manual
Page 293

Display or copy a tape drive's log sense information.
The service aid will provides options to display the log sense information to
screen, to copy it to a DOS formatted diskette or to copy it to a file. The file
name "LOGSENSE.DAT" is used when the log sense data is written on the
diskette. The service aid prompts for a file name when the log sense data is
chosen to be copied to a file.
Service Hints Service Aid
This service aid reads and displays the information in the CEREADME file from the
diagnostics source (diskettes, disk, or CD-ROM). This file contains information that
is not in the publications for this version of the diagnostics. It also contains
information about using this particular version of diagnostics.
Use the Enter key to page forward through the information or the - (dash) and Enter
keys to page backward through the file.
Update System or Service Processor Flash Service Aid
Note: This service aid is only supported for Online Diagnostics
This service aid allows you to update the system or service processor flash.
Additional update and recovery instructions may be provided; also you need to know
the fully qualified path and file name of the flash update image file. If the flash
update image file is on a diskette, you need the AIX DOS utilities package to process
the diskette. You can use the dosdir command to find out the name of the update
image file. This service aid uses the dosread command to put the file into the /var
file system.
Refer to the update instructions, or to the System Management Services “Config” on
page 3-5 or “Display Configuration” on page 3-26 or Service Processor menus on
page 4-7, to determine the level of the system unit or service processor flash. Using
this service aid to update the system or service processor flash will not save the
current contents of the flash.
The flash image file will be copied in the /var file system. If there is not enough
space in the /var file system for the flash update image file, an error is reported. If
this occurs, exit the service aid, increase the size of the /var file system and retry the
service aid. After the file is copied, a warning screen will ask for confirmation to
continue the flash update. Continuing the flash update will eventually cause the
system to reboot and return to the AIX login prompt. After the system unit reboots,
Chapter 7. Using the Service Aids