IBM F50 RS/6000 7025 User Manual
Page 286

Display Previous Diagnostic Results Service Aid
Note: This service aid is not available when you load the diagnostics from a source
other than a disk drive or from a network.
Each time the diagnostics produce a service request number (SRN) to report a
problem, information about that problem is logged. The service representative can
look at this log to see which SRNs are recorded. This log also records the results of
diagnostic tests that are run in loop mode.
When this service aid is selected, information on the last problem logged is
displayed. The Page Down and Page Up keys can be used to look at information
about previous problems.
This information is
not from the error log maintained by the AIX operating system.
This information is stored in the /etc/lpp/diagnostics/data/*.dat file.
Display Test Patterns Service Aid
This service aid provides a means of making adjustments to system display units by
providing displayable test patterns. Through a series of menus the user selects the
display type and test pattern. After the selections are made the test pattern is
Enhanced SCSI Display Configuration Service Aid
This service aid allows the user to choose a SCSI device or location from a menu
and to identify a device.
The service aid also does the following:
Generate a menu which displays all SCSI devices.
Lists the device and all of it's sibling devices.
List all SCSI adapters and their ports.
List all SCSI devices on a port.
IBM RS/6000 7025 F50 Series User's Guide