Asia, 3com asia ltd., marketing department room 2506-07, Australia, new zealand – IBM 09-0572-000 User Manual
Page 3: 3com australia, marketing department 99 walker str, Belgium, netherlands, luxembourg, 3com benelux b.v., marketing department nevelgaard, France, israel, 3com france, marketing department immeuble mckinle, Germany, austria, switzerland, 3com gmbh, marketing department gustav-heinemann-r

Customers in the countries shown below should send the completed
registration card to the appropriate address. Customers in other non-U.S.
locations should send the registration card to the U.S. address on the front
of the card.
3Com Asia Ltd., Marketing Department
Room 2506-07, 25/F., Citibank Tower
Citibank Plaza, Central
Hong Kong
Australia, New Zealand
3Com Australia, Marketing Department
99 Walker Street
Level 7
North Sydney
New South Wales 2060
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
3Com Benelux B.V., Marketing Department
Nevelgaarde 8-9
3436 ZZ
France, Israel
3Com France, Marketing Department
Immeuble McKinley
BP 965
1, Avenue de l’Atlantique
91976 Les Ulis Courtaboeuf Cedex
Germany, Austria, Switzerland
3Com GmbH, Marketing Department
Gustav-Heinemann-Ring 123
D-81739 Muenchen
West Germany
Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Malta
3Com Mediterraneo Srl,
Marketing Department
Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1
20093 Cologno Monzese MI
3Com Japan, Marketing Department
Shinjuku Sumitomo Building 23F
2-6-1 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo 163-02
Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark
3Com Nordic, Marketing Department
Torshamsgatan 39
Box 1110
164 22 KISTA
United Kingdom, Eire
3Com UK Ltd., Marketing Department
Pacific House
Third Avenue
Globe Park Marlow-on-Thames
Buckinghamshire, SL7 1YL