GarrettCom 6K25 User Manual
Page 65

Magnum 6K25 Managed Fiber Switch Installation and User Guide (04/06)
www GarrettCom com
Operation of Magnum 6K25 Switches with the optional -48VDC, 24VDC and
125VDC power supply is identical to that of the standard AC-powered models.
To order the optional -48VDC power supply factory installed, add a suffix of “-
-48VDC” after the product’s standard model # Example: Magnum 6K25R-48VDC.
Similarly to order the optional 24VDC or 125VDC industrial specific power
supply factory installed, add a suffix of “ 24VDC” or “125VDC” after the product ‘s
standard model #. Example: Magnum 6K25- 24VDC, Magnum 6K25-125VDC.
Please refer to Section 6.0 for troubleshooting
APPENDIX C: Internal DC Dual-Source Power Option
Power Supply (Internal, -48VDC Dual-Source, model # Dual-Src-48V)
DC Power Connector: First Source: “A+”, “A
, 2nd Source “B
“, “B+”
GND: Terminal for “earth” or ground wire connection to the hub chassis
Input: Two separate sources, each at 36 - 70 VDC
Power Supply (Internal, 24VDC Dual-Source, model # Dual-Src-24V)
DC Power Connector: First Source: “A+”, “A
, 2nd Source “B
“, “B+”
GND: Terminal for “earth” or ground wire connection to the hub chassis
Input: Two separate sources, each at 20 - 36 VDC
Power Supply (Internal, 125VDC Dual-Source, model # Dual-Src-24V)
DC Power Connector: First Source: “A+”, “A
, 2nd Source “B
“, “B+”
GND: Terminal for “earth” or ground wire connection to the hub chassis
Input: Two separate sources, each at 88 - 150 VDC
With the exception of the dual DC input power connections and the power
supply, all specifications and configuration options for the Magnum 6K25 -48VDC,
24VDC and 125VDC models with this Dual-Source option are identical to those listed in
the Magnum 6K25 Fiber Switches Installation and User Guide, including Appendix B
“Internal DC Power Supply Option”
MAGNUM 6K25, with -48VDC, 24VDC and 125VDC Dual-Source option
The 6K25-Switch models with the internal -48VDC, 24VDC and 125VDC
Dual-Source power supply are designed for installations where a battery plant is the
power source, and where two separate power sources are utilized in order to increase
operational uptime and to simplify maintenance.