Additional safety for power feeders – Grizzly G1095/G1096 User Manual

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Model g1095/g1096 1-hp power Feeder

additional Safety for Power Feeders

5. WORKPiEcE SuPPORt. do not feed

long workpieces without providing adequate
support at the outfeed end of the table.

6. StOPPiNG FEEDER. Always stop the

feeder before stopping the cutting tool.

7. aDJuStMENtS. disconnect the feeder

from its power source before cleaning,
repairing, or making adjustments.

8. EXPERiENciNG DiFFicuLtiES. if at any

time you are experiencing difficulties per-
forming the intended operation, stop using
the machine! Contact tech support at
(570) 546-9663.

1. SaFEty accESSORiES. Always use

appropriate machine guards.

2. tOOL SPEED. Make sure all cutting tools

are rotating at the operating speed before
feeding the workpiece.

3. FEEDiNG SPEED. do not overload the

cutting tool by feeding too quickly. the
cutting tool will perform better and be
safer working at the rate for which it was

4. HaND SaFEty. Keep hands away from

rotating parts on the feeder and the cut-
ting tool. do not allow hands or clothing
to be pinched beween the rollers and

No list of safety guidelines can be complete.

Every shop environment is different. always

consider safety first, as it applies to your

individual working conditions. use this and

other machinery with caution and respect.

Failure to do so could result in serious per-

sonal injury, damage to equipment, or poor

work results.

Like all machines there is danger associated

with this machine. accidents are frequently

caused by lack of familiarity or failure to pay

attention. use this machine with respect

and caution to lessen the possibility of

operator injury. if normal safety precautions

are overlooked or ignored, serious personal

injury may occur.