FORD Vehicle User Manual

Page 76

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[LG08900( ALL)01/95]

High Beam Light


[LG09001( ALL)03/95]

This light comes on when the headlamps are
turned on high beam or when you flash the


[LG09025( ALL)11/89]

one inch art:0020537-B

High beam indicator light


[LG09300(BEF )03/95]

“Headlamps On” Alert Chime


[LG09400(BEF )03/95]

This chime will sound if you open the door
while the headlamps or parklamps are on.


[LG09500( ALL)01/95]

Fuel Gauge


[LG09700( ALL)06/93]

The fuel gauge displays approximately how
much fuel is in the fuel tank only when the
ignition switch is ON.


[LG09860( ALL)06/93]

The fuel gauge indicator may vary slightly when
the vehicle is in motion.


[LG09875( ALL)08/93]

With ignition switch OFF, the fuel gauge
indicator may drift from the ignition switch ON


[LG10125(B F )06/93]

quarter page art:0020691-C

Fuel gauge


Update:Thu May 9 15:22:28 1996