FORD Vehicle User Manual

Page 35

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[SR14200(BEF )02/94]

one third page art:0010605-D

Label on radiator support in the engine compartment



[SR14300(BEF )05/95]

Safety Restraints for Children


[SR14400(BEF )02/95]

In the U.S. and Canada, you are required by law
to use safety restraints for children. If small
children ride in your vehicle — this generally
includes children who are four years old or
younger and who weigh 40 pounds (18 kg) or
less — you must put them in safety seats that
are made specially for children. Safety belts
alone do not provide maximum protection for
these children. Check your local and state laws
for specific requirements.


[SR14500(BEF )05/95]


Never let a passenger hold a child on his
or her lap while the vehicle is moving.
The passenger cannot protect the child
from injury in a collision.


Update:Thu May 9 15:26:26 1996