FORD Vehicle User Manual
Page 57

[ST05900(BEF )03/95]
Testing the Warning Lights
[ST06015(BEF )03/95]
Before you start your vehicle, you should test
the warning lights on the instrument panel to
make sure that they work. Refer to the Warning
Lights and Gauges chapter.
[ST06025(BEF )03/95]
If your Brake Warning Light does light up with
the key in the ON position, you may not have
fully released the parking brake or the brake
fluid may be low.
[ST06200( ALL)02/95]
Starting Your Engine
[ST06300( ALL)02/95]
To start your engine:
[ST06400( ALL)05/95]
Follow the steps under Preparing to Start
Your Vehicle at the beginning of this section.
[ST06425( ALL)03/95]
Turn the ignition key to the ON position.
[ST06451(BEF )03/95]
DO NOT depress the accelerator pedal when
starting your engine. DO NOT use the
accelerator while the vehicle is parked.
[ST06475( ALL)02/95]
Turn the key to the START position
(cranking) until the engine starts. Allow the
key to return to the ON position after the
engine has started.
[ST06501( ALL)02/95]
If you have difficulty in turning the key,
rotate the steering wheel slightly because it
may be binding.
[ST06510( ALL)04/95]
For a cold engine:
[ST06515( ALL)04/95]
At temperatures 10˚F (-12˚C) and below: If
the engine does not start in fifteen (15)
on the first try, turn the key to OFF,
wait approximately ten (10) seconds so you
do not flood the engine, then try again.
Update:Thu May 9 15:26:52 1996