FORD Vehicle User Manual

Page 321

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[SV14400( ALL)05/94]

quarter page art:0010364-D

Engine oil dipstick


[SV14500( ALL)02/95]


Carefully, pull the dipstick out again. If the
oil level is below the “ADD 1 QT.” line, add
engine oil as necessary. If the oil level is
beyond the letter “F” in FULL, engine
damage or high oil consumption may occur
and some oil must be removed from the


[SV14600( ALL)01/95]


Put the dipstick back in and make sure it is
fully seated.


[SV14800( ALL)01/95]

It may be necessary to add some oil between oil
changes. Make sure you use a CERTIFIED
engine oil of the preferred viscosity. Your
vehicle’s warranty coverage may not apply if
engine damage is caused by the use of improper
engine oil.


[SV15000( ALL)03/95]

Add engine oil through the oil filler cap
highlighted in yellow. To add oil, remove the
filler cap and use a funnel to pour oil into the
opening. Be careful not to overfill the engine.
Recheck the oil level after you finish adding oil.


Update:Thu May 9 15:30:19 1996