FORD Vehicle User Manual

Page 287

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[HS04400( ALL)04/95]

Because the Board usually meets only once a
month, some cases will take longer than 30 days
to be reviewed. The Board will make every
effort to resolve each case within 40 days after it
receives the customer application form.


[HS04500( ALL)04/95]

After your case has been reviewed, the Board
will mail you its decision in writing. It will also
provide you with a form to indicate your
acceptance or rejection of an award decision. The
decisions of the Board are binding on the dealer
and Ford, but customers may have other options
available to them under state or federal law.


[HS04600( ALL)04/95]

The decisions of the Board, however, may be
introduced into evidence by any party in
subsequent legal proceedings that may be


[HS04700( ALL)01/95]

How Do You Contact the Board?


[HS04800( ALL)04/95]

Write to the Board at the following address to
request a brochure/application. You will be sent
a brochure and a one-page customer application
form. The form should be completed and mailed
to the same address.


[HS04900( ALL)02/93]

one inch art:0060102-B


Update:Thu May 9 15:20:42 1996