FORD Vehicle User Manual

Page 310

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[SV06475( F )10/90]

one third page art:0020753-A

Fuel filler door


[SV06550(BEF )02/91]

Opening the Fuel Filler Door


[SV06600(BEF )10/94]

To open the fuel filler door of your vehicle, just
insert your finger in the divot and pull the door
open all the way.


[SV06700( ALL)01/95]

Removing the fuel cap


[SV06750( ALL)01/95]

The proper instructions for removing the fuel
cap are as follows:


[SV06800( ALL)03/90]

Unscrew the fuel cap by exerting pressure on
the plastic lock bar and rotating the fuel cap


[SV06850( ALL)12/91]

Turn the fuel cap 1/2 to 3/4 of a turn until a
hissing sound is heard. Wait until the hissing
sound stops and then continue rotating
counterclockwise to remove the fuel cap.


[SV06900( ALL)03/93]

Make sure that you follow the above fuel cap
removal instructions and use caution. Such
caution will minimize the possibility of fuel
spraying during removal of the fuel cap.


[SV06950( ALL)03/91]

To replace and secure the fuel cap; place it in
position and rotate it clockwise until it clicks
(ratchets). Doing so will not damage or break
the fuel cap. The ratcheting mechanism allows
the fuel cap to be sealed without overtightening.


Update:Thu May 9 15:30:19 1996