FORD Vehicle User Manual

Page 260

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[RE05100(BEF )03/95]

Spare Tire Location


[RE11700( F )05/90]

The spare tire for your truck is stowed at the
rear under the frame unless you have the
optional in-box spare tire mounting.


[RE11750( F )05/90]

one third page art:0020281-A

Spare tire stowage


[RE11800( F )03/91]

To remove the spare tire:


[RE11900( F )05/90]


With the tapered end of the lug nut wrench
through the eyebolt eye, loosen the bolt until
the bracket is loose from the upper support.
Be careful you do not loosen too much and
cause the spare to fall.


[RE12000( F )03/90]


Line up the eyebolt eye with the channel
slot, the eye toward the tire.


[RE12100( F )04/89]


Hold the socket end of the wrench parallel
to the ground. Put the tapered end into the
channel assembly tube and lift up on the
wrench. At the same time pull the eyebolt
toward the tube and push on the wrench to
pass the eyebolt through the channel


Update:Thu May 9 15:24:41 1996