FARGO electronic HDP700 User Manual
Page 48

FARGO Electronics Inc.
HDP700 Series Card Printer
3.6.1 Defining an Area
Click on the Defined Area(s) check box. This will activate the card grid in the upper half of the
window. It is through this card grid that up to five areas can be defined.
Figure 3-11
When the card grid is first activated, a small black square will appear at its default size of .2" x .2"
(5mm x 5mm) and at its default location in the lower left-hand corner (0,0). This square represents the
first defined area.
1. Determine the area of the card to define. In Figure 3-12, this area is indicated by the dashed
outline. The easiest way to determine the size of this area is to actually print a card,
and look at it in the same orientation as when it exits the printer.
Measure the total
area, and enter those dimensions into the dimension boxes. Note the minimum size an area
can be is .2" x .2" (5mm x 5mm).
Figure 3-12
Once the area is sized properly, measure the location where this area is to be positioned on
the card. See Figure 3-13. Measure from the lower left corner of the card up and over to the
lower left corner of where the defined area is to begin, and enter these values into the X and
Y boxes. See Figure 3-14. Note the card grid lines are spaced at .2” (5mm) intervals.