Iii. exit speeds and print controls – iSys iTerra Elite Color LED Printer User Manual

Page 47

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PAGE 47 --- iTerra Elite Quick Start Guide

© 2008 iSys-The Imaging Systems Group Inc.


To select exit location (Back or Top) or to adjust print quality from the front panel of the printer the following steps must be

1) Push

button 4 (online button 1x). Printer must be OFFLINE before working in the extended menu. This will

ensure that a print job does not print while modifying the settings.

2) Push

Buttons 6 and 7 together and hold for a few seconds and release. Fan Fold print control.

3) Push

Button 1 (item button 1x). This will display the current paper exit location. (Example: Exit: Top

Status: Good)

4) Using

Button 2 or 6 (value button + or -) allows the user to scroll through the menu options. There are

currently six options available under Fan Fold Print Control.

Option 1:

Exit: Back

Status: Stall

Option 2:

Exit: Back

Status: Smear

Option 3:

Exit: Back

Status: Good

Option 4:

Exit: Top

Status: Stall

Option 5:

Exit: Top

Status: Smear

Option 6:

Exit: Top

Status: Good

5) To change the current setting scroll through the menu options using buttons 2 and 6 until the desired option

is displayed on the screen.

6) Push

button 3 (select button 1x). Option saved.

7) Cycle Print Power. Check print quality. Display on printer will remain blank for up to 45 seconds before

returning Online, this is normal.

(If you continue to experience print quality difficulty, please contact iSys Technical Support at 1-866-415-5797).

Printer Front Panel

How to print test plot on disk:

Press Button 0
