iSys iTerra Elite Color LED Printer User Manual
Page 32

PAGE 32 --- iTerra Elite Quick Start Guide
© 2008 iSys-The Imaging Systems Group Inc.
13) On the next three screens you will be given the option to enter a name for the printer, to share it over a network
and to print a test page. Make the appropriate entries and click NEXT each time.
Printing a test page is recommended, as it will test the LPR connection. However since printing
parameters have not set been set, the print may be less then ideal.
14) On the last screen of the Add Printer Wizard click FINISH. Depending on the system settings a warning screen
may be displayed about the “digital signature” of the drivers. This can be ignored by clicking YES.
It is possible that the system could be set to block unsigned drivers. In that case, change the setting
at Start-Settings-Control Panel. Or contact your system administrator.