7 rs232c setting – ARM Electronics IP540_620MDVANVP User Manual
Page 37

4.7 RS232C Setting
Pic. 4―20 RS232C Setting
It is available to select P/T/Z module supported or P/T/Z Integrated Camera. Models of Camera supported by
IP540/IP620MDVAIVP are:
ONIX – D (RS485)
A-120 (CryptoCam / RS232),
Canon VC-C4R (RS232),
Wonwoo PT-101 (RS485),
Technovision SECUMERA_PRO (RS485),
LG Electronics LPT-A100L(RS485),
ShinTech SD-290(RS485),,
Dongyang Unitec DRX-500,DRX-502A,DOH-240 (RS485), DSC-230Si,DSC-270Si,DOH-240Si (RS485),
Hitron Fastrax2 (RS485).
IZIrobotics A.I Robot TOBO[T-010](RS485)
CNB Technology AN201L(RS485)
Sunkwang SK-D106(RS485)
PELCO PELCO-D 2400, PELCO-D 9600 (RS485)
New Models will be added to supporting module in the near future continuously by Firmware Upgrade.
RS232 and RS485 are available for Serial Control. It is available to select the control method. RS 232C
BYPASS function is to send user’s data through R-232 of IP540/IP620MDVAIVP. When using this function,
Pan/Tilt/Zoom can not be used.
RS232C Bypass Control
To use RS232C Bypass, set as ‘RS232C BYPASS’.
User’s data is to be sent thought RS232 of IP540/IP620MDVAIVP.
Example) * Transmit Data : 0x6F,0x70,0x,65,0x6E
* Transmit Data : 0x6F,0x70,0x,65,0x6E
Explanation: ->‘BYB’ : Fixed (not changeable)
->’9600’ is baud rate(2400,19200,38400….)
->’=’ : fixed (not changeable)
->’1’ : type(1: 8bits No parity 1 stop bit
2: 7bits Even parity 1 stop bit
3: 7bits Odd parity 1 stop bit)
->’B’ : Type of date to transmit(A:ASCII, B:Binary)
->’ 6F70656E’ : Data to transmit