ARM Electronics IP540_620MDVANVP User Manual
Page 29

Remember Administrator’s ID and Password. In case of forgetting Administrator’s ID and
Password, click ‘reset’ button for returning to initial value, and change Administrator’s ID
and Password.
4.1.3 User Registration
This is to register an account of user who monitor and control Video of IP540/IP620MDVAIVP.
Administrator’s ID and Password should be English, within 20 characters, without space. Allow the authority
to users and click ‘Save’ button. A maximum user to allow registration is 100 persons.
View Only : Monitoring only.
PTZ+Control : Monitoring, Control of P/T/Z of Camera and Relay.
Audio : Monitoring, and hearing Audio of Server.
Interactive Audio : : Monitoring, Two-way Audio Communication with Camera Server
PTZ+Control+Audio : Monitoring, Control of P/T/Z of Camera and Relay, Hearing Audio of Camera
All : Monitoring, Control of Camera P/T/Z and Relay, two-way Audio Communication with Camera
Server, (Preset available)
Pic. 4―6 User Registration
4.1.4 User List and Delete
Pic. 4―7 User List
User list is available on clicking ‘List Users’ on [Pic.4-7], to check list and delete user ID in [Pic.4-8].
User ID ‘guest’, ‘ptz’, ‘audio’, ‘Iaudio’, ‘PCAudio’, ‘root’ has be pre-registered as basic user
ID on ex-factory.
Pic. 4―8 User List