Focal length (focal length), Treble gain (treble gain) – Yamaha YSP-1100 User Manual

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FOCAL LENGTH (Focal length)

Use to set the distance from the front of this unit to the
focal point of output for each channel and adjust an
expansive feeling of each channel.
The focal points except the center channel should be set
near the reflection points on the walls. The shorter the
distance, more the expansion.

Front left channel

Center channel

Choices: -1.0 m to +13.0 m
Adjust towards - (minus) to move the focus outward and
adjust towards + (plus) to move the focus towards the
normal position.

• Front L

adjusts the focal length for the front left sound


• Front R

adjusts the focal length for the front right

sound beams.

• Center

adjusts the focal length for the center sound

beams. Initial setting: -0.5 m

• Surround L

adjusts the focal length for the surround

left sound beams.

• Surround R

adjusts the focal length for the surround

right sound beams.


We recommend that you use the initial setting (-0.5 m) for the
center channel.

TREBLE GAIN (Treble gain)

Use to adjust the high frequency output level of each

If the reflection point of the front left and right or surround left
and right sound beams is a curtain or other acoustically absorbent

surface, you can achieve more effective surround sound by
increasing the treble level for those sound beams.

Initial setting: 0 dB

• FL

adjusts the high frequency output level of the front

left channel.

• FR

adjusts the high frequency output level of the front

right channel.

• C

adjusts the high frequency output level of the center


• SL

adjusts the high frequency output level of the

surround left channel.

• SR

adjusts the high frequency output level of the

surround right channel.



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